Monday, November 17, 2008

Jeremy Scott for Ksubi

I haven't had much time to post lately because school has been crazy. I'm also in the process of looking for a job and working on a "secret project" (aka a project that I should have done by now but totally isn't ready, thus its elusiveness is a cover-up for its lack of existence) related to the club I'm involved with here at UCI (Fashion Interest Group). I'm actually sitting in the library right now, mildly annoyed that a guy decided to park himself at the table behind mine with a plate of Chinese food. Yay. I'm supposed to be starting two papers that are due tomorrow, but of course, I'm reading Fashionista instead. My thoughts on today's post on Jeremy Scott's collection for Ksubi:

- I think I need those black floral sunglasses.
- The bustier/skirt combo pictured above is adorable. I doubt I would wear them both together, but I'd gladly accept either one :)
- See the rest of the looks here.
- The collection is nice and all, but something about it (especially the floral pieces) reminds me of something... Hmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel that Jeremy Scott is always trying to be edgy, but he usually uses recycled ideas. His appearance on this season's ANTM hasn't helped me like him more, either.