Thursday, January 1, 2009


What makes a woman beautiful?
I think inner turmoil makes a woman beautiful. It has nothing to do with being sad or depressed or angry. What I mean is that you always have to have a certain kind of restlessness in you so that you’re never really contented with the way things are. You’re always striving for something better, striving for perfection…

What is your beauty secret?
[A] beauty secret—do you really want to know?—is being in love with the wrong man. Having this grand, impossible passion for the wrong person.

--Interview with Gemma Cruz, a journalist, museum curator, jewelry designer and the first Filipina to win a world beauty title in 1964.

I found this interview recently, and while it doesn't have much to do with fashion, it gave me something to think about for 2009 (the first part, at least). I don't have any resolutions at the moment, except this one: Keep up with my blog! I am going to be a lot busier this quarter than the last, but at the same time, I need this space to say what I feel like saying as well as whatever I can't say in the newspaper or elsewhere.

Happy New Year! Party like it's 1993 (and you're Kate).



ellenmarie said...

the answer to that first question is awesome! love it :)

Anonymous said...

Great Picture.