Monday, April 14, 2008


I'm going to start off with something that isn't related to fashion for a change. Actually, Karen O has everything to do with fashion because she--and Christian Joy, who designs her and Klaxons's stage outfits--basically rules all. I drew this during one of my classes a few weeks ago so it was pretty quickly done. I'm not really a "fan art" kind of person, but I saw a picture online and just had to draw it:

A shot of my sketchbook. These are the times when I need a scanner!

Back to the clothes...

This is actually more of an inside joke between my boyfriend and I, but I decided to share it with you lovely readers... you may either find it funny, repulsive, or neither (which means you're a hipster too. Just kidding!). How to dress like the hipster ghost that lives in my dorm room:

1) American Apparel hoodie
2) American Apparel v-neck
3) Dark skinny jeans
4) Vans or some other type of dark sneaker
5) Wayfarer-esque sunnies

Wear with an Alex + Chloe necklace for full effect.

Yes, all of these articles of clothing belong to me, but no, I never wear them all together... unless I'm doing it ironically. But wait--attempting to convince someone that you are not a hipster by ironically wearing hipster clothing (all at once) makes one even more of a hipster, yes? Oh, the confusion! The befuddlement! The bafflement of my sweatshop-free vestments! I must discuss this on my blog! *Whips out the Macbook*

(I'm scaring myself at this point... at least that's a good sign.)

1 comment:

Gil said...

I love Karen O!