Monday, October 13, 2008

No one does it like you

Just purchased: Organic cotton vest from H&M. I feel like I need to get this vest out of my system, if that makes any sense--it goes with practically everything, so I want to wear it all the time. Actually, no, I don't want to get sick of it. It's too good to me. Sigh.

As you can see in the second photo, I bought the lace tights from Urban Outfitters that I blogged about earlier. I took advantage of the 2 for $20 and got these:

So far, it's been way too hot to wear anything winter-y, though. Last night it was actually cold enough for me to wear pants! Gasp! Hopefully it'll cool down soon so I can wear these. My next mission is to figure out a way to wear over-the-knee socks without looking slutty. Can it be done? We'll find out...

[I changed my song to the Best. Cover. Ever. Ben Gibbard of Death Cab doing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." Ah, perfection.]


karla deras said...

love those lace tights!

just wanted to let you know that A) I love your header and B) I linked you!

Blood Roses said...

ace lace tights! i bought some similar ones in cream and looked like a crazy lady :( x